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Radio by Renford

Leading Edge Spirituality Online


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Home of programs that explore innovative spiritual principles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** SEARCHERS ROAD MAP: Your Guide to Understand and Participate in Leading Edge Discussions about all facets of life as a spiritual seeker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** The KNOW Show: The Power to Know WHAT You Want and HOW to Create It ... MANIFESTING MADE EASY!

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PRODUCTIVE NEWS WEEKLY Go on line here www.blogtalkradio.com/renford LIVE Thursday 1-23-25 (6:30PM EST) to listen in; you can also tune in by calling 347-838-9142 A time of Awareness, Discernment and Resolve. Enjoying Winter! This is a time of Awareness, Discernment and Resolve. Awareness of ourselves and the environment in which we live, Discernment of choices and the effects thereof, Resolve through personal balance, adjusting our thoughts and actions seeing things for what they really are without undue outside influence, attaining inner Peace through Productive action, and Gratitude for awareness of All. Join PNW as host Darryl Clark explores Winter season with some insightful observations with a bent toward the future. We will also discuss some aspects of our society that impact us all and how we might influence it in a productive wasy. Included will be enlightening information on Health and Wellness and latest information on the financial, societal, and political arena, sharing information NOT typically heard on mainstream media. Also joining us will be Ms. Ula Pasternak - wellness and human energy expert, founder of 'The Unity Center for Empowered Living'('Pure Life Energy Center') , GMO Food expert, Community Advocate. Ms. Pasternak will discuss personal balance, health & wellness (especially on an energy level), awareness of self, the things impacting us, and what we can do to enhance our existence. In short, 'tuning in to personal self for true awareness & wellness'. We will focus holistically on our mental, physical, and spiritual being for a more fulfilling life for ourselves and Loved ones, LIVE Tuesday January 23, 2025, 6:30 - 8:00PM DON'T MISS THIS IMPORTANT PROGRAM! Tune in for details.
  • by Radio by Renford
  • in Spirituality
  • 02:00

On-Demand Episodes

Hosted by Eddie Middleton Co Host Justin Abner Welcome back! Our guest this week is Jaysen Rand, PhD. Jaysen earned his honorary PhD from the Academy of Energy information sciences.in the field of Energy Information Sciences in... more

Topic: Tamarin Lindenberg, of Healthcare in Transition, a master researcher and author of a new book entitled, ? Female Cancer: The Vital Role of Self Perceived Beauty in the Healing Process – A Study in Breast Reconstruction. She... more

(Thursday 10-24-13, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM, EDT) on Blogtalk Radio Dr. Mayer Eisenstein - Medical Doctor of 35 years, author, as well as member of Illinois Bar (lawyer), will speak candidly about his experience with the safety and efficacy of... more

Week 38 - The Master Key Summary – Charles T. Haanel At 8:30pm CST Wednesday February 6th we began the 54 weeks of support material and online coaching that is part of The Laws of Material Wealth Personal Development... more

The K-N-O-W Show with Guest Imam Aquil Hamidullah replay of Oct.2,2013 Imam Aquil Hamidullah, a visionary, and challenge-driven, successful professional/leader in both the spiritual and community arenas. He is a natural... more

The I AM Well Show with Guest Robert Jirda Robert Jirda has over 20 years experience with energy, spiritual work and healing; and is a certified Reiki Master. With spiritual roots on both sides of his family, Robert has worked with the... more

The Searcher's Road Map, with host Keith Blanchard Wrestle with yourself. David Matthew Brown devotes his time to sharing a fresh and unique message of transcendence, unity, and spiritual healing. Alongside his message, David's skill... more

Welcome to the Cosmic Contacts Show, I have a wonderful guest this Monday evening, Madra Little a 'Gifted Intuitive' since birth. Madra has always been considered a pillar or counselor a true Earth Mother for others as she has been... more

Topic: Consulting Spirit: Guidance and Support from the Divine Ask a question, pick a card, connect with Spirit – it's as simple as that. Angel cards, Tarot, Animal Spirit cards, and Runes are accessible, easy-to-use divination tools that... more

Topic: Are you schizophrenic with money? Do you act one way with money for one situation and then act like a totally different person in another? Join Spencer and Jane as they discuss how and why different situations make us think and... more
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