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Progressive News Network

Progressive News Network


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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

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The case of Juliana v. United States began during the Obama administration and continues to the present day. A group of children sued the Obama adminstration for failing to uphold environmental law. The case spans the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations and if successful--could strip taxpayer subsidies from fossil fuel companies--among other changes. This case cuts to the essence of environmental rights vs. corporate interests. It is to our shame as a nation--that it took the children to bring this demand for justice to light.

On-Demand Episodes

PNN - Round Table PROG-Journos Brook Hines and I welcome these thoughtful progressive activists and journalists. ?Anne Fonfa - Health Activist Alternative Therapies Specialist Afifa Kashif - Human Rights and Union Rights Activist... more

PNN Producer and News Director Rick Spisak brings a SPECIAL REPORT called on the SHORES OF SEPTEMBER Associate Producer Brook Hines brings us her report on the CONCLUSION of this PHASE Of th DNC Lawsuit and... more

PNN - Be YOU TeeFull Rick Spisak News Director and Associate Producer and Senior Political Commentator Brook Hines bring you a wonderful and thoughtful show that spans the world of the hive with a special presentation on the... more

PNN BCD-Take2 Co-Producer and Senior Political Commentator Brook Hines, brings her voice and keen insight to discuss all things political. Carole Bartolotto a research dietician shares her research and travails as she investigated GM... more

PNN - B-C-D-E Brook Hines, brings her voice and keen insight to discuss all this political Carole Bartolotto a dietician shares her research and travails as she investigated GM Foods Denis Campbell shares his views from across the... more

PNN Roars off the Starting LION - with the powerful Voices of ACTIVISTS ?Brook and I welcome an amazing array of Activists including Laurie Prim leader of the DISTRICT 18th Activists ?Who are wrking very hard to inform the... more

PNN Brook makes Book - Brook leads the way on this the last show of our 2016 Season and the First Show of the new season. Brook has very close ties in the Progressive Democratic Community and equally deep ties to the Progressive... more

Rick Spisak speaks with Annette Taddeo on dirty dealings in today's Special Election for District 40 Senate seat in Miami. Committee attacking Taddeo paid rival Rivas Logan's political consultant — Naked Politics... more

PNN - Modeling Citizens - upon this Rock we build our New World We have our inimmitable Ms. Brook Hines thought leader for Progressive Activists Everywhere ?We have the return of a very special friend of the Show, Ms. MariLynn Evans... more

The Voices of Gaia Two activists talk about the threat to free speech when corporation use threat and suits against activistsThe Voice of Gaia This Sunday Two Woman Who Fight the good fight for Gaia and for us, and have each faced... more

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