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Progressive News Network

Progressive News Network


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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

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The case of Juliana v. United States began during the Obama administration and continues to the present day. A group of children sued the Obama adminstration for failing to uphold environmental law. The case spans the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations and if successful--could strip taxpayer subsidies from fossil fuel companies--among other changes. This case cuts to the essence of environmental rights vs. corporate interests. It is to our shame as a nation--that it took the children to bring this demand for justice to light.

On-Demand Episodes

PNN - Poetic Justice a Home a WAY Brook Hines joins us with her insight and her whip smart wit And we have two poets from across the great waters of the Atlantic Mr Dominic Windram who comes to us from the North of England and... more

PNN - Come what MAY - Brook Hines ,Cyndi, Courtney, Faith - tell what truths they own, what truths they freely share Brook tells tales out of school ?Courtney Horne speaks to waiting at STARBUCKS while black Olivia Faith Babis - talks... more

PNN - Outspoken - Three Outspoken Women with Important stories to tell Brook Hines - Senior Political Commentator discusses contemporary issues Harriett Lehrman - The Voice of the People Harriet Discusses whats going on with the... more

PNN - the Siren Song Lulls the sleeping sailor - Awakens them to the rocks ahead PNN News Director and host Rick Spisak, and senior political commentator Brook Hines welcome our guests Author Rivera Sun (Dandelion Rebellion a Trilogy,... more

PNN - Spring Ahead with leaders seasoned by the past, LIVING in the Now - eyes on the future Our Guests the Incomparable Brook Hines, with her keen political analysis Edwin Enciso leader in the progressive community and human rights... more

PNN - Persephone Escapes - a metaphor for Columbia's Escape from Trumptown PNN - brings you the voices of POWERFUL WOMEN who have no intentions of being caged and caught in TRUMPSYLVANIA or ALT-FRIGHT Ville,... more

PNN - Springtime-in-Trumptown Fred Barr Co-Owner of Progression Partnership will share his perspective on Matters of Tramptation We'll hear part II of Ray Seaman's perspectve on planning for the Democratic future for Florida... more

PNN - Wheeee the PEOPLE - and We DON'T do STUPID! PNN Welcomes our Senior Political Analyst and Associate Producer Brook Hines to discuss current regional and Nat'l democratic party activities We get a snapshot of Testimony... more

PNN - Don't Drop it, Don't Flex it, Don't USE IT - No, We Don't Need More! 7pm East / 6pm Central / 4pm Pacific 3/4/18 We will be reading Excerpts from Dr. Daniel Ellsberg' new Book ? The Doomsday Machine? Readings and... more

PNN - Back from the Shadows Again - Brook's Back and on Russian Troll Attack / Oligarchs attack Environmentalists in Martin County / Emine Dilek carves the Turkey, while stirring the Syrian Soup / Denis Campbell visits and weighs in on... more

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