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Zoe Moon

The Zoe Moon Astrology Show


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Venus is joining the Sun and Mercury Retrograde in Taurus and bringing women, love, beauty, and income themes to the forefront of what is coming back around from the past and what is going bye-bye. Tune in to hear how your sign is... more

Scorpio rules power, control, manipulation, sex, triangles, divorce, major financial arenas,reproduction, birth, death, and divorce. We build to an emotional climax in at least one of these areas in our week ahead as we build to the Full Moon in... more

Mars rules passion, anger, fights, war, blood, ardent males, and our motivation. Mars is going to Retrograde starting Sunday the 17th and we are going back into the past with it. Expect old lovers, enemies, anger issues, and... more

The New Moon in Aries opens up opportunity for personal and physical passions to move ahead and this particular New Moon rides with Venus and Uranus so we have potential on board with women, love, income, beauty,... more

We enter a week when the way we make money, the opportunities that exist, what we do with possessions, and our purchases turn a corner and start to gather a new momentum. Venus is also changing signs adding to this story but also... more

Saturn Retrogrades and eases up on us, oh yeah. Venus gets busy about love, money, women, and what's going on behind the scenes, and Mercury is going to demand some understanding, so it really is time to get some things straight. Are... more

Things begin to shift in the week ahead. The Sun and Mercury move into Aries and we all become more focused on our own needs. By Wednesday the 23rd we find ourselves at the apex of an event involving a partner, client, specialist,... more

We are still riding the New Moon Solar Eclipse energy forward this week so it's important to be proactive about Piscean themes. Mercury has 4 major activations from Pisces in our week ahead so talks, offers, meetings, agreements, writing,... more

This is one of the biggest New Moon Solar Eclipses we've had in some time, happening at 18 degrees of Pisces and about eclipsing out what is past to push you out into some major new chapter. This is a mega-eclipse, one of only... more

The astrology for the week ahead holds several strong days for talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, auditions, and decisions, as well as several days that emphasize love, income, women, and beauty. Tune in to hear... more

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