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Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed Radio Academy


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Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet. Millions of people have had indirect contact with her work without realizing it, since she has trained, mentored, guided and assisted many celebrities and high profile people with whose work they are familiar. Join us as Lavandar reveals for the first time the details of her spellbinding and sometimes dangerous adventures, as each one adds a piece to the galactic puzzle of what's truly happening here.

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Karen Stuth is a career marketer and market researcher whose passion has always been to ?connect the dots? between people, ideas and the positive manifestation of those things. Toward that end she created Satiama, a business... more

Julie Loar's mission is to help modern people understand ancient wisdom and the hidden history of planet Earth. She is the multiple award-winning author of six books and dozens of articles. Her books have been translated into several... more

Arielle interviews Lavandar on a variety of galactic information gathered over Lavandar's life long mission of first hand, conscious contact with the Pleiadeans, and has been stored in a bank vault over the last 3 decades. This is the... more

We had some technical difficulties in the beginning minutes of this episode, and the archived playback will be edited as soon as possible, but keep listening because the show is there, just some dead air in the beginning. Thanks for your... more

Giovana is a quantum energy alchemist, intuitive counselor, clairvoyant, creative consultant, truth warrior, metaphysical educator, writer, and public speaker, integrated with projects in film and fashion. Giovana was born with an... more

Tori Hartman is a world-renowned psychic, author, and spiritual teacher. She is the only American psychic ever interviewed by the New York Times and the Los Angeles Business Journal. She has helped celebrities such as Jeff Lewis in... more

Since her spiritual awakening in '76, Hope has been a dedicated seeker of truth, healing and wisdom. For nearly 20 years, she's been opening the channel to higher guidance through Intuitive Dowsing, and her coaching has helped people... more

Tricia McCannon is a renowned American clairvoyant, historian, author and teacher who has traveled the world in search of answers to the greatest Mysteries of the Ages. She is the author of three published books and 13 on-line... more

Louise Hauck is an internationally known futurist and intuitive spiritual counselor, the author of Beyond Boundaries, Heart-Links, Fearless Future, and Streaming Consciousness: A Current of Unity. Louise has a lot to say about our... more

Dr. Michael E. Salla, is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics', the political study of the key actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of... more
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