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Rick Sterling

Spirit of Truth/The Bible on Trial


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Spirit of Truth Ministry offers two programs each week that test the limits of Christian theology and thought. The flagship program is The Bible on Trial which tests Christianity by using the words and teachings of Jesus Christ as our template. Our other program called Spirit of Truth investigates Truth by integrating Scripture, Bible prophecy, history and the sciences to find and define Truth wherever it may be found. Join us for an uninhibited search for the truth.

On-Demand Episodes

Join Spirit of Truth Ministry today February 24, 2023 at 10AM PT for our program The Bible on Trial, where we test the truth against the words and teachings that Jesus gave His own eyewitness disciples when He was here on earth. Our... more

Coincidence, Or Not~ It's easy enough to smile when the world goes along like a song, but the one that's worthwhile is the one that can smile, When everything goes dead wrong~ This little poem is a modified snippet of a poem by Ella... more

Join Spirit of Truth Ministry today February 17, 2023 at 10AM PT for our program The Bible on Trial, on: blogtalkratio.com/sot.

This is The Revelation of Jesus with Sterling, our ongoing study into the shift from the Death Road prophecies seen in Rev. 13, to the prophecy in Revelation 10 of the Seven Thunders, that has put the world on the Life Road. Join us today... more

Planner~ I just started using a new (to me) planner system to organize my life. A good friend brought this system to my attention, and we have together been meeting every morning for the last 20 days for a 5-10 minutes chat, to... more

Join Spirit of Truth Ministry today February 4, 2023 at 10AM PT for our program The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling, for our continuting study into Truth, Justice, and the Kingdom of God. This program is on Blog Talk Radio, at:... more

Legal vs. Lawful~ When you jay walk, you have brokent the law; but which law have you broken? Or if you run a stop light you are breaking the law; but what kind of law are you breaking? If you run that stop light and cause an... more

Change of Plans~ A common experience in our modern society is that plans change. Something comes up that is outside of our plans for the day and we have to adapt to the new conditions. Sometimes this is easy, and sometimes it's... more

Join Spirit of Truth Ministry today January 27, 2023 for our program The Bible on Trial on blogtalkradio.com/sot, at 10 AM PT and have your mind open to an alternative to the 'truth' that you think you know. Our study is open to finding the... more

New Prophetic Paradigm~ If you were with us yesterday you would have heard Don and me lead in to our Best Of Program from February 2008 by talking about what we have experienced in dealing with people that already have a... more

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