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hr 1 TPC's March Around the World rolls on with a stop in South Africa. Simon Roche is a fourth-generation South African affiliated with Suidlanders, an organization which is devoted to the protection of non-combatant Afrikaner-Boer... more

ONE sign that we're living in a falling empire is that the state simply cannot meet its obligations. One such obligation is to provide, in a timely manner, information requested by citizens about what the govt is doing and how it is doing it, w... more

Sonny cover current events; We invite State Central Committee member Laura Rosenberger to tell us about the corruption and misplacement of millions of $ in the Ohio Republican Party DailyKenn.com Support the South Africa... more

A ?sneak peek? into the new Power of Truth CD; newly republished work by Dr. William Pierce, and their implications for today. MY FAVORITE WORKS OF Dr. William Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism and of the National Alliance, are... more

Sonny covers current events; Round table discussion ton ight on the Fake covid vaxx narrative, Pfizer scandals whis leads up to the perfect distraction: the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Patricia Negron and Cat from The Cat and Dizzy... more

Our enemies control media. Our enemies control banks and financial system so much so that they are able to create dollars at will and literally give them to their friends and favored institutions, conferring on them a terrible advantage in any... more

It's hard not to be excited and braced by this war, a war in which the Victoria Neulands and Vlodimir Zelenskys and George Soroses of this world have all their disgusting dreams shattered by high explosives soaring through the air at a rate... more

Guests: Rie Beckett is leading the league in creating real solutions for businesses and individuals to legally safeguard them from out of control government mandates. Unlike the many cases that have failed in the courts, The Zunga has... more

FEBRUARY, before our misrulers forced us into reverent observance of ?Black History Month,? used to have a notable holiday called ?Washington's Birthday,? which always fell on the twenty-second of the month. In some states there... more

EVERY FEB 14th I do two things: 1st, I commemorate the anniversary of the horrific firebombing of Dresden, an act of terror and racial hatred against us — a true holocaust of innocent people, good people, our people. 2nd, I... more

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