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Rudy Stanko, got his legal education the hard way- behind bars. The Meat Cartel destroyed his prosperous business in a mere 3 days and sent him to jail for 6 years.Mr. Eustace Mullins endorsed Stanko's book The Score. Dr. Roger Roots... more

Sonny updates us on current events and the Rise of TRUMP and what it means for the GOP www.SonnyThomas.com @SonnyThomasShow MUSIC: TWISTED SISTER & MARY FAHL Visit our other sites in the Sonny Thomas rhelm:... more

The Political Cesspool Podcast Hour 1 Sam Bushman jumps into the Cesspool as quarterback while James Edwards celebrates his 10th year wedding anniversary with his family. We have been sitting on the Donald Trump Jr. interview for just... more

Writer John Kaminski co-hosts with Patricia Aiken as they welcome LaVoy Finicum's daughter Thara Tenney to the BBQ. Thara shares her family's courageous resolve to continue her father's mission to restore freedom to... more

On Monday 2nd May at 8 pm ET our guest will be Cornelia de Wet. We will discuss her entrapment, incarceration and her terrible ordeal in prison. This episode is by no means the end of her story. Her family continues to be... more

Writer John Kaminski co-hosts with Patricia Aiken as they welcome LaVoy Finicum's daughter Thara Tenney to the BBQ. Thara shares her family's courageous resolve to continue her father's mission to restore freedom to... more

Sonny updates us on current events w Guest: Vladimir Kolychef of Portland State Students for Donald Trump @ancapvolo www.SonnyThomas.com @SonnyThomasShow MUSIC: ACE FREHLEY & TRIUMPH Visit our other sites... more

The Political Cesspool Podcast Hour 1 Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander talk about Andrew Jackson's removal from the $20 bill, an article in Time magazine that smears Trump and Edwards, and the need for people to... more

On Monday 25th April at 7 pm CT our guest will be Cuan Elgin with part one of the Historical Figures of South AFrica. Our focus tonight will be Jan van Riebeeck - the father of the nation

Sonny updates us on current events www.SonnyThomas.com @SonnyThomasShow MUSIC: PRINCE & BRUTAL ATTACK Visit our other sites in the Sonny Thomas rhelm: www.SpringboroTeaParty.com... more

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