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"NU Day Resurrection and Liberation"
Tonight: Sat. December 21, 2024 on "NU Day Resurrection and Liberation"
The Winter Solstice is here and with that a time to re-set (mentally, physically, and spiritually). With that said, do you have plans/focuses to elevate your frequencies, advance in obtaining some of your goals and objectives and in doing the necessary work to help in the obtainment of REAL Justice and Liberation for OUR PEOPLE. . Tonight's "Open Mic" will examine this and more. ALSO: What are some of your thoughts as to how we can advance in the fight against the system of "off white" supremacy fascism and modern day GENOCIDE and of course the obtainment of long overdue VICTORY, (Such as REPARATIONS NOW!, Freedom for Mumia Abu Jamal and Imam Jamil Al -Amin, etc.).
Joining us tonight to talk about the recent Reparations Conference in Evanston, IL and what does it mean ( to us in North America) now that the "International Decade for African People" has been extended is Bro. Jumoke Ifetayo. AND: Of course, Bro. Blak Smith and Bro. El Pollinator will be chiming in and bringing some of the insights and latest information regarding what's going on internationally in the socio-political arenas/world and needless to say overall "in the Universe". ALSO: The Call To BLACK/ African Descendent groups, organizations, politicians etc. WILL YOU JOIN IN THE FIGHT TO FREE MUMIA ABU JAMAL and ALL OUR POLITICAL PRISONERS? Get information and updates on the International People's Campaign MAJ Nobel Peace Prize Nomination and the National Black Contingency To Free Mumia Now! Petition
The Other Perspective with Imam Councilman Alfred Muhammad
The Other Perspective with Imam Councilman Alfred Muhammad