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Progressive News Network

Progressive News Network


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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

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The case of Juliana v. United States began during the Obama administration and continues to the present day. A group of children sued the Obama adminstration for failing to uphold environmental law. The case spans the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations and if successful--could strip taxpayer subsidies from fossil fuel companies--among other changes. This case cuts to the essence of environmental rights vs. corporate interests. It is to our shame as a nation--that it took the children to bring this demand for justice to light.

On-Demand Episodes

PNN records the first two poets - Part One Poets Rick Spisak Producer and in his synthetic party personality the Martian Ambassador will welcome Miss Aria Ligi of San Franciso and Dominic Windram of the UK will share a little about their lives... more

PNN - PROGRESSIVE-JOURNO-CIRCLE and an Interview with Brooke Stapleton of Adelaide We have invited a fine thoughtful group of Progressive Activists and Journalists to come together to talk about the challenges ahead. Some of our... more

PNN - Ground Truth, Native News, Water Blues, Trumps New Choose JOIN US and these special guests: Dezeray - On Standing Rock and Palestinian Rights Jeannie Economos, of the FARMWORKERS ASSOCIATION and her colleague... more

PNN brings together two conferees to discuss the up coming AgriToxico Conference Jeannie and Rudy will share their perspectives and Rudy will share his recent experiences in Brazil Hosted by RW Spisak, News Director. This... more

PNN - Three Ladies in the Circle and a Dash of Denis C. PNN brings together three fabulous women journalists and we ask them to make sense of the last ten days. So we offer you, some insight, and analysis and carefully trimmed with ten... more

PNN-Organic Cotton and Dressing Green PNN is solidarity with our PROGRESSIVE BROTHERS and Sisters, continues our tradition of bring authentic voices of activists to you so that despite the vagaries of our electoral... more

PNN Lillian presents us with a Show on Organic Fiber Products

PNN - We present excerpts of speeches from the FRACKING SUMMIT excepts from Dr, Karen Dwyer, Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, Scott Smith CTO of Water Defense, and Megan Sorbo, Houston Cypress and more. We as always will have our... more

PNN - Activist Round Table progressive activists and journalists discuss the issues that have been crowded off the table by the Punch & Judy Show. Brook Hines will start us off with her report on the latest Florida Democratic... more

PNN standing in the River of Wisdom - Welcomes the Indian River Keeper, The Truth Keeper Professor Mickey Huff and Striking Professors Marty Baum Indian RiverKeeper, talks with us about the threats to Florida's Rivers and Florida's... more

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