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Progressive News Network


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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

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The case of Juliana v. United States began during the Obama administration and continues to the present day. A group of children sued the Obama adminstration for failing to uphold environmental law. The case spans the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations and if successful--could strip taxpayer subsidies from fossil fuel companies--among other changes. This case cuts to the essence of environmental rights vs. corporate interests. It is to our shame as a nation--that it took the children to bring this demand for justice to light.

On-Demand Episodes

PNN EXTRA: With Biden as the presumptive nominee, we're checking in with Bernie or Bust author Victor Tiffany to see what's shaking.

Brook Hines, Jeanine Molloff and Rick Spisak bring you anysis on stuff that happens.

What are the most reasonable origin stories of Covid-19? Do we have confidence in the dominant narrartive regarding the origin of Covid? I'll share two stories. Investigative reporter Whitney Webb has written on the history of corporate and... more

record this for Jeanine

On this week's show — our most vulnerable workers are also the valuable. Why we can't ask them to die for Wall Street, reporting by Jeanine Molloff. Will a General Strike include healthcare workers? Also, why our current predicament... more

This week's news includes updates from the frontlines of fighting coronavirus: Florida poll workers test positive for Covid-19, New York could lose delegates after postponing primary to end of June, ER doc fired for plea for PPE, and... more

This pandemic is crawling with politics. Brook Hines and Jeanine Molloff will discuss.

PNN - The Ides of March - Caesars warning which he turned aside PNN - The Ides of March LIVE SUNDAY EVERYBODY's LISTENING! Brook Hines​​ on small D (democracy) Jeanine Molloff​​ our Justice Correspondent Our... more

PNN - Down by the River, the river of the great stream, the river of time, the river of life - Where we find the source and the flow Brook Hines leads our effort to understand the latest democratic progressive issues. Jeanine Molloff brings her... more

PNN - Out for a Stroll - Liberty and Freedom (7pm EAST - Sunday 3/1/2020) or Anytime PNN has always featured dissident voices, we pride ourselves on providing a platform for progressive activists of differing opinions. Senior... more

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