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Contending For The Faith

You, God, The Church & Money


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YOU, GOD, THE CHURCH & MONEY Is A No-Nonsense, Straight-Talking Call-In Broadcast That Squarely Puts The Spotlight Of Scripture On All Things Financial Which Adversely Effect God's People, Tarnishes The Testimony And Hinders The Effectiveness Of The Lord's Church

On-Demand Episodes

The apostle John called the apostate church of Revelation 17 & 18 called the Roman Catholic Church today the Mother of Harlots. The Mother of Harlots Church is extremely PERVERTED. Tune in and find out why! E-mail us at... more

Today's broadcast is a call-in show. The topic: author Moses Henry Jones' new and provocative book Jackass Bishops. Sis. Marie will be joining our host Bro. Moses for this two hour broadcast. Call us at (646) 564-9730 if you would like... more

The apostle Paul revealed that "the MYSTERY of INIQUITY is already at work," (II Thessalonians 2:7). In his book JACKASS BISHOPS, author Moses Henry Jones reveals how "the MYSTERY of STUPIDITY is already at work." Tune in to the... more

The apostle Paul revealed that "the MYSTERY of INIQUITY is already at work," (II Thessalonians 2:7). In his book JACKASS BISHOPS, author Moses Henry Jones reveals how "the MYSTERY of STUPIDITY is already at work." Tune in to the... more

Author Moses Henry Jones has written a series of books soon the be released in 2017 dealing with the Roman Catholic invasion of the African-American Church. The first of these books is Jackass Bishops. All of these books have been... more

Many saints are asking these questions - "What is making so many once sane African-American preachers turn completely insane?" "What is causing so many African-American bishops to become crazy mad?" Tune in to this can't miss... more

You may have a relative, a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker who lacks "Wonkey Donkey" discernment. These Christ loving church folk can't tell that their bishop is the Church's premier Jackass. You can be a blessing to them by giving them a... more

Your misbehaving Jackass Bishop knows deep down in his sinful heart that he doesn't deserve a gift for Christmas. But in the spirit of Christian love you are going to make an exception. You are going to give him a copy of the new book... more

Satan's goal is to PAGANIZE, DEMONIZE AND ANNIHILATE the African-American Church and there is one book that exposes this nefarious agenda. The book is called JACKASS BISHOPS. This book is causing a major... more

There is a new and provocative book making its way in the Black Church in America. It is the first book in a series of twelve projected works that explores the present and ongoing Roman Catholic invasion of the Black Church in America.... more

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