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Discipleship Radi0

Rastafari DiscipleShip Radi0 @LOJSociety


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@LOJSociety The Lion Of Judah Society International presents Rastafari-based DiscipleShip Radio LIVE Broadcasts, Podcasts and exclusive On-Demand listening! Starting from Testify Tuesdays, Wombman Wednesdays, Upper Room Of Zion (Thursday), T.J.I.F. Thank JAH It’s Friday and After JAH Sabbath on Saturday Nights Live with Rastafari Sabbath Study (RSS) Liturgy of JAH Word Communion and Aliyah Readings (Part 1) and the Mishnah (Part 2) at 1am Sunday Mornings. Shema Achad!

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#Rastafari #Discipleship #Wednesdays #RSS #14 #Va'era WednesDay 2025-01-22 #Psalms 81 #podcasting #BlackJews @LOJSociety.org #JAH #Rastafari #JahRastafari #Wisdom #WednesdayWisdom #Wednesdays #Wisma #WombmanWednesday #Wombman #Wednesday | #DSR Discipleship Radio | #RasTafari #LionOfJudah #Rastaman #Mothership #podcast @LOJSociety We, the Wombmen of Rastafari are ascendants of a looong line of biblical and extra-biblical Righteous Matriarchs, Sisters and Daughters of Sarah (1st Peter 3:6) in the Person of HRH Empress Menen Asfaw, Her Majesty Qedamawit Wollete Giyorgis the Perfect Consort-Royal Wife of Our Abba-Father HIM QEDAMAWI HAILE SELASSIE. Calling all Princes, Princesses, Kings & Queens in JAH Divine Mind of Wisdom and Truth. As the Called, Chosen and Faithful Disciples of Rastafari preach: We are the Daughters of INI Sarah, i.e. Itege Menen, as it is written: "Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement." In the Right Faith of the King of Kings KRISTOS (Christ), We are Israelite-Ethiopian (Black) Royalty in Spirit and Truth, i.e. in the Flesh! Through His Wisdom, We are the Sacred Feminine: Daughters, Sisters, Wives and Mothers of RAS TAFARI, thus the First Teachers (Proverbs 1:8) representing the whole of Iration. We ARE Iration! For without the Womb of man, the Wombman, there is no Life! LISTEN LIVE STREAM, CALL-IN & ON-DEMAND: http://Blogtalkradio.com/lojsociety
  • by Discipleship Radi0
  • in Spirituality
  • 02:00

On-Demand Episodes

#JAH #Rastafari #Wisdom #Wednesdays #WombmanWednesday #Wombman #Wednesday | #DSR Discipleship Radio | #RasTafari #LionOfJudah #Rastaman #Mothership #podcast @LOJSociety We, the Wombmen of Rastafari are... more

TESTIFY Tuesdays | #DSR Discipleship Radio #RasTafari #LionOfJudah @LOJSociety "Rastafari in general, especially within the LionOfJudahSociety ?trod? or tradition, use the term "testify" or "to give one's testimony" to mean... more

#Rastafari #MoonDay 2021-06-14 #Psalms8 #podcasting #BlackJews @LOJSociety #RASTA LIVE@10:30pm1:30am TONIGHT'S Host: On IG #rastafari #lojsociety #mondays #monday #maccabees #MackaB #Sizzla #Sizzlakalonji... more

THIS WEEK'S PORTION #38 Korach | קורח | "Korah" ቆሬ | Qorey [Qorei] 1. TORAH READING Numbers 16:1-18:32 2. PROPHETS READING 1 Sam 11:14-12:22 3. NEW TESTAMENT READING Rom 13:1-7 PORTION OUTLINE... more

THIS WEEK'S PORTION #38 Korach | קורח | "Korah" ቆሬ | Qorey [Qorei] 1. TORAH READING Numbers 16:1-18:32 2. PROPHETS READING 1 Sam 11:14-12:22 3. NEW TESTAMENT READING Rom 13:1-7 PORTION OUTLINE... more

#TJIF = Thank JAH It's Friday! I & I RasTafari Sabbath Eve Podcast Rss @LOJSociety Thank JAH It's Friday has a completely different meaning than simply ?Thank God It's Friday? for the Rastafari Church of the Firstborn and... more

UPPER Room Of Zion | #DSR Discipleship Radio | #RasTafari #LionOfJudah @LOJSociety UR #upperroom Of #Zion 2021 #Psalm65 #Rastafari @LOJSociety In Christian tradition, based on Acts 1:13, the"Upper Room" was said to be... more

#JAH #Rastafari #Wisdom #Wednesdays #WombmanWednesday #Wombman #Wednesday | #DSR Discipleship Radio | #RasTafari #LionOfJudah #Rastaman #Mothership #podcast @LOJSociety We, the Wombmen of Rastafari are... more

TESTIFY Tuesdays | #DSR Discipleship Radio #RasTafari #LionOfJudah @LOJSociety "Rastafari in general, especially within the LionOfJudahSociety ?trod? or tradition, use the term "testify" or "to give one's testimony" to mean... more

#Rastafari #MoonDay 2021-06-07 #Psalms111 #podcasting #BlackJews @LOJSociety #RASTA LIVE@10:30pm1:30am TONIGHT'S Host: On IG #rastafari #lojsociety #mondays #monday #maccabees #MackaB #Sizzla #Sizzlakalonji... more

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