Popular in Health
Horse Thursday 1-23-25
in Health
Please call in with your BEMER horse questions, comments, and testimonials.
With Raini Hale and Cindy Schellenberg.
Testimonial Tuesday with Cyndy & Jeannette
in Health
Please call in today and share your brief compliant personal testimonial on how using this amazing technology has changed your life! If 515-605-9877 is 'busy' try 323-642-1520 and press 1 to be placed in the queue to share.
Compliant means:
no mention of 'disease names' common in the medical field no mention of 'drug names', or the use of words like 'pain', 'cured', 'treatment', etc. DO NOT give your own 'protocols' or usage tips; there are no protocols, only the BEMER Basic plan Keep it simple and brief mentioning the symptoms you were experiencing and how they may be minimized or gone. If you're an athlete, tell us how it has improved your performance and recovery.
Centropix Wellness Wednesday Radio Show 1/29/25
in Health
Join Callie Kron and Deborah Brolley on the Centropix Wellness Wednesday Radio Show!
This call is going to be all things wellness, health and wealth for Centropix Affiliates and guests looking to learn how our revolutionary wellness products can enhance their lives share their Personal Product Reviews!
Let's level up together and spread the word of health and wealth!
Today's Highlights:
Roundtable Wednesday with Marlice & VP Ben Woodward
in Health
Welcome to the NEW Roundtable Wednesday where topics that are related to BEMER can be explored and expanded upon. This is a place where open participation is needed so everyone can learn and grow from one another. Please note, this show is recorded and heard by distributor and non-distributor alike, so we must stay compliant, positive, and show everyone the helping hearts we all have as we share BEMER with others. Areas of discussion will cover everything in the BEMER Back Office, new promotions, how to share BEMER, what works best for you, what tools do you use most and why. As you can see, the list is endless and as more people discover this open forum we should all learn in a fun and positive way. I look forward to hosting this program. Please dial 1 on your phone to call in and share. Let's grow our BEMER Family together!!!!
About Health
One look at the myriad of nutrition and fitness shows on BlogTalkRadio and you'll see we're one of the healthiest sites on the Web! Our community regards health as a top priority, because we know the key to a higher quality of life is a combination of the right foods, regular exercise and quality medical care. Listen as the world's leading physicians, researchers, personal trainers and nutritionists discuss the latest health news, including trendy diets and those with staying power. Find accountability partners in listeners following HCG, Atkins, Body for Life, Nutrisystems, Weight Watchers, the blood type diet, juice fasts and cleanses. Get off the couch with personal trainers, fitness instructors and therapists who'll keep you motivated all year. Total health also includes managing stress, increasing your brainpower, fertility treatments and the best herbal remedies and supplements, so turn to our experts in holistic healing, biofeedback and alternative medicine, too.