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CALL-IN NUMBER (319) 527-6706, Call in and let's talk. Monday: The Vito Esposito Show with Alan at 6PM ET. Tuesday: Wednesday: Hank Jones of "PoliSports" 6PM ET. Thursday: More Truth About Islam - Kristie Johnson and 5RY's - 7:00 PM (EST) Friday: The Vito Esposito Show Saturday: Usama Dakdok and Kristie Johnson of "Revealing the Truth About Islam" 10 PM ET. Sunday: More Truth About Islam - Kristie Johnson and 5RY's: 3:00 PM (EST)

On-Demand Episodes

This Sunday's show is again a mixed bag of News, theology, and fun filled facts demonstrating Muhammad wasn't a prophet and the Quran cannot be from someone with a highschool education, let alone the God of the universe. We'll... more

Usama Dakdok & Kristie Johnson – News on Islam, Islam in USA, Islamic Terrorism, Tactics. The ?Squad,? lead by Rashida Tliab and Ihan Omar legitimize Anti-Israel, Anti-American agenda through ?useful idiots.? Listen online tonight,... more

Discover Jihad Watch as a go-to site for the latest news on the Sharia saturation of North America & the world by the Muslim Brotherhood and all of it's branches of Jihadi groups. Jihad Watch Seeks to Provoke a Continuous and... more

Tonight we have former Navy Seal William Brown, talking about a fundraiser by the best the military has for the GI Go Fund. Navy SEALS raised money on August 3, 2019 to show their support for lost comrades in arms and those whose... more

After a shootout in Philly--which was perpetrated against police officers by a drug thug--the Philly mayor and Pennsylvania governor are talking about MORE gun control. What don't they get? Meanwhile, we may have a cause of death in the... more

Israel denies entry to two Members of Congress: ilhan omar and rashida tlaib. 2 Anti-Semitic BDS Supporters, who are vicious opponents of Israel, before and after being elected to Congress. The Anti-Semitic rants from Omar's earlier this... more

Welcome to Radio Free Kafiristan. This is a radio program dedicated to rightly dividing the truth between Christianity and Islam. We examine the evidence for both of these faith in order to arrive at the truth it leads us too. This Sunday we... more

Usama Dakdok & Kristie Johnson – News on Islam, Islam in USA, Islamic Terrorism, Tactics. The ?Squad,? 4 Congresswomen, of the Radical Left Dems often lead by AOC. However, are the most dangerous of them Rashida Tliab... more

What lies ahead for North Americans as the Trudeau and Trump immigration polices collide? Trudeau: ?Canada is a post-nationalist state with no core identity.? Angela Merkel: ?In this day, nation-states be ready to give up... more

Civilization Jihad Awareness is focused on providing you with the news and information needed to understand a very real war against non-Muslims. This jihad is not always hot and not always cold. But it is constantly in motion. Always... more

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