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CALL-IN NUMBER (319) 527-6706, Call in and let's talk. Monday: The Vito Esposito Show with Alan at 6PM ET. Tuesday: Wednesday: Hank Jones of "PoliSports" 6PM ET. Thursday: More Truth About Islam - Kristie Johnson and 5RY's - 7:00 PM (EST) Friday: The Vito Esposito Show Saturday: Usama Dakdok and Kristie Johnson of "Revealing the Truth About Islam" 10 PM ET. Sunday: More Truth About Islam - Kristie Johnson and 5RY's: 3:00 PM (EST)

On-Demand Episodes

#MeToo = MeaninglessToo. The double standard hypocritical movement has shown it only applies if you're a Republican or identified as a Conservative. #MeToo does not apply say if you're a former US Senator turned VP or a... more

Does Muhammad lead Muslims on the right path? "Last week we saw that Allah has a real difficult time in giving his BIO. If you click on His profile, you can't understand anything about him, so he's an unknown quantity. Unfortunately, his... more

Usama Dakdok & Kristie Johnson – How much is the US being impacted by Covid-19? Are Governors over, or under reacting, to the Pandemic? Join us and a Special guest. Listen live online. Or listen LIVE by phone:... more

Oakes Spalding, a Catholic from Chicago whose writing has appeared at outlets like OnePeterFive, created the website Mahound's Paradise in 2015 following the jihadist massacre at the offices of the satire magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris,... more

Tonight I have Iowa's 2nd Congressional primary candidate Rick Phillips joining me. This is one interview you do not want to miss.Rick Phillips would have my vote as one gutsy guy that needs to be in Congress. Paul Sutliff, the host of the... more

COVID-19 continues to be as much, or more, about politics as it is about health & safety. But...what clues do YOU take asan indicator of "hoax" vs. "overblown" vs. "designed crisi" v.s simple "political football"? Hopefully, folks will call in with... more

Welcome to Radio Free Kafirsitan. This is a radio program dedicated to rightly dividing the truth between Christianity and Islam. We examine the evidence for both of these faith in order to arrive at the truth it leads us too. If you want to call... more

From Los Angeles to NYC Left Wing Mayors abandoning our Constitutional Republic & adopting more islamic principals including accepting Qatar's "Humanitarian Aid" in Los Angeles by Mayor Eric Garcetti to Herr Wilhelm... more

Sunday, April 26th at 2PM Central Standard Time, we will be inviting our friend Royal Son back onto the program to discuss Are Muslims on the Right Path? There are all kinds of sub-topics related to this question. When evaluating the... more

Usama Dakdok & Kristie Johnson – The Non-Fasting Fast of Ramadan. Time for Ramadan again. But what is the truth about this most celebrated Muslim holiday? Usama exposes the amazing truth. What must non-Muslims know?... more

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