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Brain Injury Radio

Brain Injury Radio


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People have heard about brain injury but they really don't think about until it happens to them, which at that point it is all they or anyone they know can talk about. It is a sinister injury that can change everything in a blink of an eye, and as it goes on misunderstood the dark side of a person a new person starts to emerge, spouses suddenly in a relationship with a stranger, even the survivor does not know themselves. Lost alone and frightened learn about it before it’s too late, before it can take you or a loved one’s life away forever, the more you know the better you will be. You are not along there are millions of us among you. We represent over 70% of those in prison and even more of the homeless. Together we can stop the devastating effects of this sinister injury that can last a life time. One that is big business over 75 billion a year, where the rich control the destiny of the lost for a buck. Let us make a world where we are accepted not jailed or isolated, empowered not controlled. One where we embrace this new person to be a better, braver, strong more creative and productive part of society.

On-Demand Episodes

All of a sudden, anyone who is connected to a Brain Injury, their life becomes a little MoCrazy. A Brain Injury does shut some doors, but it also opens doors. This show will be talking to survivors, caregivers, therapists, anyone immediately... more

Please join us for great guests, loads of jokes and fun, and of course the great information you get from BIRN Internet Radio. Blogtalkradio Link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/braininjuryradio Call in number: 1-424-243-9540... more

Continue Mission a radio show that focuses on the issues that face American Veterans and our National Security, we will dive into the issues and curent events of the day then pull in the straight talk shooters that bring facts and details... more

Dennis Simsek is better known as The Anxiety Guy. He is the creator of a self-help podcast which finds the cause of anxiety for each of us. After that, his goal is to help find a way to permanently reduce these life stressors. He has a... more

We will be talking about different mental health topics. Depression, Anxiety, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, High Functioning Autism (Aspergers Syndrome). As well as others. We will also be talking about different resources that people can utilize... more

There are a LOT of Holiday geared programs around this time of year. One that I've watched every year of my life (REALLY long time), is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I began to consider what messages that show was sending. Hmmm ..... more

The Aneurysm Hour - Christmas a season for survivors - Les and Paul Tod Grissom I have had many troubles, aches, and pains in my life filled with Sun Shine, Darkness, and pain but I am here tonight to say lets all come together... more

Concepts by a author and great guy. Time get tough but its not the tough times that make a man or woman its how they handle these times what they do and how they carry themslelf and their core values

A December of Remembers.... The trip to Las Vegas to meet up with a nation's Survivors, and acccept a Survivor Award...

What do Football & CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) have to do with Cyndy Feasel, Mary Seau, & Debra Pyka? They all lost loved ones to football and CTE. Cyndy's husband, Grant Feasel, and Mary's brother, Jr. Seau each were... more
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