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David and Diane Ministries

Words of Inspiration


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There's a Sound upon the earth. We are living in the last days. If you are not connected to the Spirit of God you will miss it. Prophet blow the trumpet.

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Bible reading with Elder David and Lady Diane Shaw

Reading the bible is very inspiraing. Its one of the best ways to hear from God and thats through His word. Join us throughout the week as we read through the bible starting from Genesis and eneding in Revelation. Elder David and Lady... more

Elder David Ambrose Shaw take a moment just to keep it real to the ones that are having problems with understading you are not perfect, YOU are not perfect but but Got is. Trust in Jesus is will change your life if you completly let go.

Inspiration Time wiwith Minister Andrew .

Elder David Ambrose Shaw takes that time to share inspiration on a time as now with how you should make through. Change is going on in the world, country and even your house and "Trust" is what you need.

Inspiration time with Minister Andrew.

Inspiration Time with Minister Andrew

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