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David and Diane Ministries

Words of Inspiration


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There's a Sound upon the earth. We are living in the last days. If you are not connected to the Spirit of God you will miss it. Prophet blow the trumpet.

On-Demand Episodes

Praise God for who He is and all of what He has done. Elder David Ambrose Shaw keeps it going with the continued reading og the Holy bible, King James version. Tune in and be blessed by the reading of Gods Holy Word coming from... more

Elder David Ambrose Shaw comes with short word on just holding on unti Jesus returns.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues to read the Word of God, King James version of God's Holy word. As Elder Shaw d3livers the reading of the Word of God, he come with the Spirit of God on the inside of him allowing the... more

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the reading of the Word of God from the King James version of the Bible. Elder Shaw comes with the presences of the Spirit of God trusting and believing in the God over all and in all and creator... more

Praise God for another day alivve and breathing. Elder David Ambrose Shaw comes with the contuning of the reading the Word of God. King James version of Gods holy BWord.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the reading of the Holy Bible. This is a comitment to God to be use by Him to bring the Knowledge of the Bible Stories. The Bible stories come alive as God uses the Man of God to bring-it in Jesus... more

`We are back again with an impactfull bible reading with Eder David Ambrose Shaw. Praise God for another oppertunity to "get it right". Elder Shaw continues with the reading of The Word Of G od, King James version.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw comes with the continued word on comitment that leads in the raw. With the desire and the tallent to press-on in the right way, that allows one to maintain the mental and spirituall support that comes only from... more

Elder David Ambrose shaw continues to bring the Word of God. Through reading, Elder Shaw allows the Sirit of God to flow under the Anointing in Jesus name.

Elder David Ambrose Shaw continues with the reading of the Word of God, King James version with the translation that is lead with the Spiritual focus. God has allowed for this day with me excisting to be used by God. Join as we come with... more

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